El Corán™ -TCQ Esclarecedor | Hardcover

ISBN 9780999721537
Retail US $ 19.99
Weight 0.51 kg
Wholesale US $ 10/copy
Discount 50%
Language Spanish
Min. Qty 20
Cover Hardcover
Page Count 536
Dimensions 13.97 × 21.75 × 3.02 cm
Book Dimensions 5.50″ x 8.56″ x 1.19″
Box Dimensions 11.77″ x 17.20″ x 6.70″


Sh. Isa Garcia, an Argentinian convert and graduate of Umm al-Qura University, has translated the Quran into Spanish. While there are a few previous Spanish translations, this translation surpasses all the previous ones for many reasons, including:

– Its reliance on classical tafsir works and lexicons
– Its accuracy
– Its modern language and style
– The fact that this translation has been reviewed by a committee for both accuracy and style, thus making it a group project and not just an individual work.